"Pakaian Peter Quill - Gaya Liar Pahlawan Luar Angkasa!"
Peter Quill Costume/Star-Lord Costume
Peter comes together pretty easily with a few key pieces! You can buy all kinds of custom items, but for a Star-Lord cosplay, you’ll want to get his shirt, jacket, and blasters as close to the movie wardrobe as possible!
Peter Quill Costume Sources
Shirt: His printed Yeah Baby Star-Lord tee is one-of-kind Peter Quill and a must for his costume!
Jacket: This red mixed pleather jacket was perfect and one of the best prices we found for a Star-Lord costume
Pants: We used black jeans we already own. I’d highly recommend buying a pair you’ll wear again or thrifting a pair of black pants.
Belt: This Mission Belt has held up for years, and the buckle is perfect!
Headphones: I was thrilled to not have to DIY these and found the perfect throwback pair with all the perfect details and colors on Amazon
Star-Lord Gun (get two): These blaster guns come in a white and orange style (probably so they don’t’ look real!). We grabbed some metallic spray paint and black spray paint to make them fit the Peter Quill costume better.
Other items:
- Vintage Walkman (which we happened to have!),
- Black boots (we used vinyl black fabric and rubber bands to extend them higher)
- Wire hanger to bend into two invisible holsters to hold blasters in pockets.
- Eyeliner pencils in various eyeliner pencil shades of brown to make Peter Quill’s signature facial hair
- Star-Lord Mask: we decided to ditch the Star-Lord mask prop due to AZ heat. However, it’s an easy way to be the character with little effort!

What Happened During Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3‘s Second Post-Credits Scene?
The movie’s last post-credits scene showed it didn’t take long for the Quill boys to become a family again. It featured the two sitting at a kitchen table for breakfast. Peter Quill ate cereal while his grandpa read a newspaper with a front-page story about Kevin Bacon’s supposed abduction by aliens. That was a direct reference to The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special when Drax and Mantis kidnapped the actor.
The Guardians of the Galaxy post-credits scene was a humorous but seemingly mundane moment that established Peter Quill had truly returned home and developed a familial bond with both his grandfather and his community. He had moved on from Gamora and the Guardians and was now part of a normal little neighborhood. It was the exact kind of life he’d spent over 30 years trying to avoid. Star-Lord, the former Ravager who had once been half-god and helped save the galaxy multiple times, became fully domesticated on the planet that had brought him so much pain with a man he previously wasn’t sure even loved him.
(We can forgive eight-year-old Peter for not understanding why his grandfather didn’t want him to see his mom die.)

Rocket's go-to outfit for adventure, exploration, and smuggling contraband with its many many pockets, you'll be able to see him strutting about the Milano wearing this suit once the game begins.
Guardians of the Galaxy 2014
During your first chapter of Guardians of the Galaxy, you'll eventually come to a point in the path where you slide down. At the bottom, go left and you'll spot a small open section in the stranded Nova Corps ship. Jump down, look behind you, and you'll spot a crate containing Rocket's cinematic costume.
Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse
In Chapter 5, you'll take an elevator down to Lady Hellbender's throne room to hand over either Rocket or Groot to the Monster Queen. In the employee break area, the team will turn left but don't take that path. Hop over a nearby wooden table and stay quiet. At the end is an opening that you can crawl under, with a costume crate at the end.
Nova Corps
You can find this fake Nova Corps disguise in Chapter 7, after you defeat the first two groups of enemies. In the circular room with red lighting where you need to reroute power, go to the room with a Groot Boost prompt. Have Groot raise you up, look for an air duct, and crouch your way through it. In the locked room that you enter from here, there's a power line on the right side that you can activate to find the costume chest.
Hero of Half-World

Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy - Costume Location Guide
Here's where you can find some new space-threads in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy.
on October 26, 2021 at 10:15AM PDT
The Guardians of the Galaxy aren't just reliable heroes for hire in their own game, they're also a fashionable crew of misfits who each sport clothing options that reflect their characters. Star-Lord rocks his trademark red leather jacket, Gamora is geared up with sharp-angled armor to reflect her lethal nature, and Drax prefers to show the cosmos the impressive pecs you'd need to help slay a mad titan. If you're not a fan of those costumes though, the good news is that you can swap them out instantly for alternative space-threads.
If you know where to find them that is. During the course of your adventures in Guardians of the Galaxy, you'll be able to venture off of the beaten track to uncover crates that hold plenty of new cosmetic options. Some of these pull inspiration from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, others are inspired by the classic comic books starring the team, and others are entirely original outfits from the art department at Eidos Montreal.
Here's where you can find all of them.
Warning: Mild story spoilers below.

Standard Outfit
Drax's typical outfit which allows the galaxy to read his life story through the ritualistic tattoos inked into his torso, is available from the start of the game.
Nova Corps
When you return to Hala's Hope to pay your fine in Chapter 7, you'll come to a lobby that appears to be locked off from the rest of the ship. Once Rocket starts tinkering with the electronics, you'll need to redirect some power so that you can proceed further. Before you link up the main door, use the switches to open the bathroom next to the main office. Inside is a Nova Corps outfit that Drax can wear.
Cage Match
Once you've dealt with the Church of Unity's well-armed congregation while hopping between skiffs in Chapter 8, you'll eventually dock your mobile platform in a large circular loading bay. Before you go through the door, run to the back of the large room to find Drax's MMA gear, from back when he proposed that he would solve the Guardians' constant financial problems by inflicting grievous bodily harm onto willing combatants in cage matches.
Thanos Imperative

Tags: quill