... 10 Karya Cantik Quilling Border Buddy untuk Dekorasi Kerajinan Tangan

Pandai Quilling untuk Teman Pinggiran yang Cantik - Tips dan Trik DIY

Quilled Paper Honeycomb Earrings

About: snowboarder, web designer, hiker, wife, mud runner, paper craft enthusiast and nerd :) More About snwbordrgrl »

You'll Need the Following Materials & Tools:

  • Two Colors of 1/8" Quilling Paper Strips (4 strips of each color, 8 strips in total)
  • Clear Glue (I highly recommend Elmer's Craft Bond Precision Tip glue)
  • Quilling Slotted Tool
  • Quilling Round Border Buddy
  • Straight-Tip Tweezers
  • Toothpick or needle to apply glue
  • Krylon Low Odor Clear Finish (or equivalent sealant)
  • Two earring wire findings
  • Two earring jump rings
  • Jewelry pliers

Let's get started!

Materials Needed: (for one star pendant or ornament)

Are you new to quilling? If so, first check out this free beginner’s tutorial for the basics!
  • First you’ll need to use your black (or other border color) to make the triangles. I used 24″ strips of black on the largest level of the Border Buddy. Make 6 triangles.
  • Arrange your triangles evenly into a six sided star shape and pin into place. Use a toothpick or needle tool to apply glue between the sides that are touching to glue the shape together. This quilling workboard has a template on top so you can easily make 4, 6, or 8 sided star shapes, as well as concentric circles and a square grid. Very helpful! If yours doesn’t, you can make a 6 sided template with a compass and a protractor. Yep, back to geometry class! Or you can just eyeball it until it looks right.
  • Now it’s time to get the paper ready to fill in. I decided to use rolls that were 4 inches long (10cm). So for each triangle I was dealing with three colors – the main color for the triangle and the two neighboring triangle main colors to transition into. For the main color I tore strips that were 4″ long. Then I had some of the main color that were 3″ long along with strips of the neighboring colors that were 1″ long. Lastly I had the main color 2″ long plus neighboring colors 2″ long.

When you make the rolls that have multiple colors, stack the pieces one on top of the other. I use a needle tool to roll, but you can use a slotted tool as long as it’s not too tight. It can take a little while to get used to using the needle tool, but it does make a nice small middle! After you roll glue down the ends (if your strips were the same size, you’ll need to glue both ends down. If your inside strip was smaller you’ll just have one end to glue. Then shape as usual. This following photo is from the free tutorial for cosmic triangle earrings.

Ultimate Border Buddy

Most quilling enthusiasts by now know about the Border Buddy, a quilling tool first sold by Quilled Creations. Click here to read my tips on using the Border Buddy. But check out this ultimate border buddy, it comes with 7 shapes to it, for more variety than ever! This is great for all sorts of quilling projects. Of course I’d mostly use it for making jewelry 😉

These are just a few of the multitude of fun supplies sold by Let’s Quill On. Make sure to check out their project supplies as well. They carry so many things to make into fun projects like rangolis, wooden boxes to decorate, sticker stones for extra decorating, jewelry supplies, and so much more!

*note* I am an affiliate for Let’s Quill On. That means if you click on the links in this post and make a purchase, I get a small percentage, at no extra cost to you. I was not paid or asked to write this post.

Tags: quill

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